BRAND NEW BOOK: Discover The Simple Baby Steps For Doing Your First Lease Option Deal
I'm Joe McCall, Investor and Host of the 5-Star Real Estate Investing Mastery Podcast, and I Want to Show You A Proven Path to One of The Best Ways to Flip Deals in Real Estate.
  • Free 'Wholesaling Lease Options' Book (Retails For $29.95)
  •  Exclusive “Lease Option Contract” Training with Joe Showing How To Use His 1-page Contract* (Value $197)   
  •  Get A Seat To An Online Webclass Training Where Joe Will Reveal What He Believes Is The #1 Way To Profit From Real Estate today (Value $197)
Here's everything you'll get, today, for FREE:
  • Free 'Wholesaling Lease Options' Book (Retails For $29.95)
  •  Exclusive “Lease Option Contract” Training with Joe Showing How To Use His 1-page Contract* (Value $197)   
  •  Get A Seat To An Online Webclass Training Where Joe Will Reveal What He Believes Is The #1 Way To Profit From Real Estate today (Value $197)
*If you get my book today, I'll also give you my fully-editable one page Lease Options contract.
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*My Wholesaling Lease Options book retails on for $29.95, but we bought it for you. We just ask that you pay your shipping / handling to receive it (just $7.95 US). Your information is secure and will not be shared.
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In This Book I'm Going to Show You:
 The Three Pillars of Wholesaling Lease Options, that nearly NO ONE talks about... these are the secret deals that are left out in plain sight.
 Exactly what it takes to evolve your mindset, using the 7 MAJOR mindset shifts that will easily evolve you into an accomplished investor.
 The one exercise that will change the ENTIRE way you research properties to find and make deals, with no expenses and even if you have no prior experience
Hurry, This FREE Offer Won't Last Long
Before we go any further... a Disclaimer:
Please understand my results I'm sharing with you are not typical. I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter).

You and I both know making money is never easy. In my experience, the thing I’ve found to be the easiest for me to make money is investing in real estate using lease options. I have the benefit of having done real estate deals for over 10 years, teaching thousands of students, and running one of the highest-rated real estate investing podcasts... and have an established following as a result.
The average person who buys any “how to” training on real estate investing is likely to get little to no results. I include mine and my student's references here and in the book for example purposes only. 

Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.
All investing entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS BOOK. 

With that said … let me jump right in and show you…
Proof that Getting Started in Wholesaling Lease Options Can Help You Land Your First Real Estate Deal -- With Zero Prior Experience. 
From: Joe McCall
St Louis, MO

“What do Wholesaling Lease Options make possible for me?”

That’s the question I want to encourage you to ask yourself day after day, week after week, and month after month as we start down this journey of Wholesaling Lease Options together.

What does more money make possible? What does more flexibility in your day-to-day schedule make possible? What does having control over the quality of your own life make possible?
Whether you want to build a comfy side hustle or grow a lucrative business in Wholesaling Lease Options, I want you to know that it is possible to make more money in just a few Wholesaling Lease Options deals than you make in a month (or in some cases, a year) at your current vocation. 

What has Wholesaling Lease Options made possible for me?

I’m the poster child for what Wholesaling Lease Options can make possible. I’m just a regular guy. In fact, given my name Joe McCall, you might even think of me as an “average Joe”. In my case, that means being an avid family guy spending quality time with my wife and kids — at the zoo, on the golf course, or in the swimming pool.
As Sir Winston Churchill once said:

"To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to their talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour."
Your life matters, and this is your figurative tap on the shoulder.
Getting Started in Wholesaling Lease Options Has Already Helped Countless People Around the World...
The Question Is, Are YOU Next?"
If You're Sick And Tired Of All The Hype, Scams And Claims You See online Lately, Then Read This Amazing Success Story From Actual, Real Students...
Rodney Samuels
Philadelphia, PA
"I am a seasoned wholesaler but found Joe's training refreshing and it gave me another tool to make deals come together."
I was not disappointed in the content of Joe's Wholesaling Lease Options training. 

I am a seasoned wholesaler but found his training refreshing and it gave me another tool to make deals come together. 

This training is allowing me to make money off of leads that I normally discard because there is no equity or room for profit in a normal wholesale deal. 

This training will add many thousands of dollars to my income this year for sure!
"My husband and I purchased Joe's wholesaling lease options course and we received our first check within six weeks and another check last week."
My husband and I purchased Joe's wholesaling lease options course and we received our first check within six weeks and another check last week. 

The course is loaded with information and it is very easy to understand and to implement. Wholesaling Lease Options provides a very needed niche for a number of sellers. 

We would recommend this course to anyone wanting to run a real estate business. 
Kristine Hepp
Appleton, WI
Andrew LeBaron
Phoenix, AZ
"Hi Joe, I’ve been following you for the past three years now and I have to tell you, your Wholesaling Lease Option strategy is pure gold."
We are starting to put some lease option deals together. We are excited about it. I wanted to let you know that you are a huge reason why I have hustled up to this point and I’m ecstatic to see where this is going. We are now turning our Lease Option deals into AirBnb's using your techniques. 

You're one of the greatest mentors in real estate today. You provide a ton of value to entrepreneurs with your Wholesaling Lease Options strategy. I highly recommend working with Joe. He has made us very rich. Kudos!!
"I've done 8 deals and I haven't spent a dime on marketing for any one of them. 100% of my tenant-buyers have ultimately purchased the home - which is a great feeling."
I bought Joe's course about 5 years ago and have done 8 deals since. I've made back more than 10 times the amount of that initial investment I made in Joe's Wholesaling Lease Options program. Joe has been very accessible to help answer any of my questions along the way. Up to this point, 100% of my tenant buyers have ultimately purchased the home, which is a great feeling. I haven't spent a dime finding any of these deals. It's just taken some of my consistent time. All of the deals I've done have found from Craigslist. I would recommend Joe's Wholesaling Lease Options program for anyone looking to get in the real estate with little or no money."
Adam Olsen
Portland, OR
As You Can See...
My Wholesaling Lease Options training has helped HUNDREDS of people make a full-time income doing part-time deals...
The Question Is, Are YOU Next?
Wholesaling lease options is actually quite simple if you know the three things you need to close these kinds of deals: marketing, automation, and delegation. 

The powerful thing about wholesaling lease options is that you can automate the entire process. 

Here's why this works:
  •  Reason #1 – You can get more leads than you can handle (for free) from other wholesalers and from just two websites, Craigslist and Zillow. You don’t have to spend any more money on seller marketing.
  •  Reason #2 – You can offer sellers any price they want, and all you need is a simple one page contract. You'll never have to negotiate with a seller.
  •  Reason #3 – It's possible to get someone else to advertise all your deals and forget about a buyer's list. All you have to do is give them my checklist and these deals will sell fast.
When you "wholesale" lease options, you assign the contract to a tenant-buyer instead of assigning your contract to an investor. 

The average profits in this kind of deal are between $5,000 - $10,000 per deal.

When I discovered "wholesaling" lease options, I was making more money within 3 months of part-time work than I was in my full-time job. Join WLO and I'll show you how you can do the same.
Like I mentioned before, this book is free. I want to help as many people as I can, so you can get it completely free; all I ask is that you help me cover the printing and postage costs of $7.95 US or $12.95 International, anywhere in the world.

Oh, and in case you're wondering...
I know there are some websites out there that offer you something cool for free, but then stick you into some program that charges your card every month.

This isn't one of them.

There's NO hidden "continuity program" - and in case you're wondering why I'm doing this...

Well, there are actually a few reasons...
  • It's my way of saying thank you for being a dedicated student of real estate investing. :)
  • Because (unlike other real estate "gurus") I don't make all of my money teaching others how to make money (I actually do real estate deals all the time)... so because of that, it doesn't hurt me to share with you my best stuff.
  • I get another one of my products in your hands, and when you see how awesome it is, it should get you excited to buy other stuff from me or partner with me on deals in the future.
  • I'm kinda a show off... I'm not going to lie. I'm sick of people throwing out income claims without any real proof to back it up. I think 99% of what is said online is complete BS... so I thought it would be a breath of fresh air to publish the TRUTH, show the actual stats and #'s behind REAL deals... honestly, I just want you to think I'm cool. :)
Time Is Of The Essence...
This book is only (100) pages but it is PACKED with valuable content on every single page. This is a limited time offer, so get your copy now.

This book can be an absolute game changer for you... 
This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Claim Your FREE Copy Now Before They're All Gone...
This really is the fastest and easiest way to make money in real estate, and I can't wait to share it with you.

Joe McCall

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Copyright © Joe McCall. All rights reserved

There is no guarantee that you will make any money in this business. In fact, most people don’t. Most people quit and give up when it gets hard. Probably less than 5% of people make any money in real estate investing. This is not a “Get Rich Quick” scheme. This is a legitimate business – and you must treat it as such. You must work hard. And you must invest time and money in marketing. Your results will vary and are NOT guaranteed. Always seek legal advice and counsel before implementing any business opportunity or real estate investing system. Read my full disclaimer here.

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